Help: Snapshots
Background Info on Snapshots
AOPs that are reviewed and endorsed by the OECD will have multiple versions. Namely, the version that existed at the time of the review and endorsement and the current version that exists in the AOP-KB. Reviews are therefore performed on “snapshots” of content from the AOP-KB, as it existed when review was initiated. These snapshots are permanently stored in the AOP-KB along with the living document to clearly distinguish between the version of the AOP that has been endorsed and the current state of knowledge. The AOP-KB allows the download of both current AOP information and all snapshots in PDF form. It also provides tools for examining the differences between any snapshot and the current version of the AOP.
Overview of Snapshot Organization
AOP Description |
Section 1 |
KE Descriptions AOP-KB: Each KE description is on a separate page that is reached via a link from the KE Table in the AOP Summary Section Snapshot: Each KE description is found in Appendix 1 |
Section 2 |
KER Descriptions AOP-KB: Each KER description is on a separate page that is reached via a link from the KER Table in the AOP Summary Section Snapshot: Each KER description is found in Appendix 2 |
Section 3 |
Overall Assessment of the AOP |
Section 4 |
Create, View, and Save Snapshots
The AOP-KB allows the download of both current AOP information and all snapshots in PDF form. Snapshots are permanently stored in the AOP-KB along with the living document to clearly distinguish between the version of the AOP that has been endorsed and the current state of knowledge. “Snapshots” contain a brief summary of the AOP followed by the overall assessment of the AOP, whereas the detailed description of the KEs and evidence supporting the KERs are presented as appendices.
To create a new snapshot, click the ‘Snapshots’ button in the upper left hand menu. This will bring the user to a page entitled “Snapshots for AOP: [#]” listing the existing snapshots for that AOP by date and the user who created it. Click ‘New snapshot’ to bring user to a page where a new snapshot can be created. This page lists the AOP #, notes, and the creator of the snapshot. Clicking ‘Create snapshot’ will bring the user back to the listing snapshots page. The new snapshot should appear in the list. Clicking the name of the snapshot should direct the user to an html view of this snapshot; clicking the ‘pdf’ button should load a pdf document of the snapshot in a new window, which may be downloaded for further use. Clicking 'diff' displays a difference between that snapshot and the current version of the AOP in the wiki.
To archive a snapshot, click ‘Archive.’ The ‘Archive’ button should become a red ‘Restore’ button. To restore a snapshot, click ‘Restore.’