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Relationship: 309
Thyroperoxidase, Inhibition leads to TH synthesis, Decreased
Upstream event
Downstream event
Key Event Relationship Overview
AOPs Referencing Relationship
AOP Name | Adjacency | Weight of Evidence | Quantitative Understanding | Point of Contact | Author Status | OECD Status |
Inhibition of Thyroperoxidase and Subsequent Adverse Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Mammals | adjacent | High | Low | Evgeniia Kazymova (send email) | Open for citation & comment | WPHA/WNT Endorsed |
Thyroperoxidase inhibition leading to increased mortality via reduced anterior swim bladder inflation | adjacent | High | Low | Evgeniia Kazymova (send email) | Under Development: Contributions and Comments Welcome | WPHA/WNT Endorsed |
Inhibition of thyroid peroxidase leading to impaired fertility in fish | adjacent | High | High | Cataia Ives (send email) | Open for comment. Do not cite | Under Development |
Thyroperoxidase inhibition leading to altered amphibian metamorphosis | adjacent | High | Moderate | Brendan Ferreri-Hanberry (send email) | Under Development: Contributions and Comments Welcome | |
Thyroperoxidase inhibition leading to altered visual function via altered retinal layer structure | adjacent | High | Moderate | Allie Always (send email) | Open for citation & comment | Under Review |
Thyroperoxidase inhibition leading to altered visual function via decreased eye size | adjacent | Evgeniia Kazymova (send email) | Under development: Not open for comment. Do not cite | Under Development | ||
Thyroperoxidase inhibition leading to altered visual function via altered photoreceptor patterning | adjacent | Cataia Ives (send email) | Under development: Not open for comment. Do not cite | Under Development | ||
Inhibition of thyroid peroxidase leading to follicular cell adenomas and carcinomas (in rat and mouse) | adjacent | Brendan Ferreri-Hanberry (send email) | Under Development: Contributions and Comments Welcome |
Taxonomic Applicability
Sex Applicability
Sex | Evidence |
Male | High |
Female | High |
Life Stage Applicability
Term | Evidence |
All life stages | High |
Key Event Relationship Description
Thyroperoxidase (TPO) is a heme-containing apical membrane protein within the follicular lumen of thyrocytes that acts as the enzymatic catalyst for thyroid hormone (TH) synthesis (Taurog, 2005) across vertebrates. Two commonly used reference chemicals, propylthiouracil (PTU) and methimazole (MMI), are drugs that inhibit the ability of TPO to: a) activate iodine and transfer it to thyroglobulin (Tg) (Davidson et al., 1978); and, b) couple thyroglobulin (Tg)-bound iodotyrosyls to produce Tg-bound thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) (Taurog, 2005).
Evidence Collection Strategy
Evidence Supporting this KER
The weight of evidence supporting a direct linkage between the MIE, TPO inhibition, and the KE of decreased TH synthesis, is strong and supported by more than three decades of research in animals, including humans (Cooper et al., 1982; Cooper et al.,1983; Divi and Doerge, 1994; Fang et al., 2022).
Biological Plausibility
The biological plausibility for this KER is rated Strong. TPO is the only enzyme capable of de novo synthesis of TH. TPO catalyzes several reactions, including the oxidation of iodide, nonspecific iodination of tyrosyl residues of thyroglobulin (Tg) to form monoiodotyrosyl (MIT) or diiodotyrosyl (DIT) residues, and the coupling of these Tg-bound iodotyrosyls to produce Tg-bound T3 and T4 (Divi and Doerge, 1994; Kessler et al., 2008; Ruf et al., 2006; Taurog et al., 1996, 2005). Therefore, inhibition of TPO activity is widely accepted to directly impact TH synthesis.
Empirical Evidence
Empirical support for this KER is strong. There are several papers that have measured alterations in TPO and subsequent effects on TH synthesis across vertebrates. Taurog et al. (1996) showed decreased guicaol activity, decreased bound I125, and subsequent decreases in newly formed T3 and T4 per molecule of Tg, following exposure to PTU, MMI and some antibiotics. There is important evidence in mammals. Following in vivo exposure to PTU in rats (Cooper et al., 1982; 1983), there are concentration and time-dependent decreases in thyroid protein bound iodine and serum T4 and T3 that recovered one month after cessation of PTU exposure. In addition, measures of thyroidal iodine content were highly correlated with intra-thyroidal PTU concentration. Vickers et al. (2012) demonstrated dose- and time- dependent inhibition of TPO activity in both human and rat thyroid homogenates exposed to MMI. Hassan et al. (2017, 2020) and Handa et al. (2021) predicted the level of THs in serum after treatment with PTU and MMI in rats. They developed a quantitative model by comparing dose- response data.
Tietge et al (2010) showed decreases in thyroidal T4 following MMI exposure in Xenopus. Also in Xenopus, Haselman et al (2020) showed decreases in thyroidal iodotyrosines (MIT/DIT) and iodothyronines (T4/T3) following exposure to MMI. Doerge et al (1998) showed that a tryphenylmethane dye, malachite green, inhibited TPO and lowered thyroxine production. A recent paper used a series of benzothiazoles and showed TPO inhibition (guicaol assay) and inhibition of TSH stimulated thyroxine release from Xenopus thyroid gland explant cultures (Hornung et al., 2015).
Additionally, evidence is available from studies investigating responses to TPO inhibitors in fish. For example, Stinckens et al. (2020) showed reduced whole body T4 concentrations in zebrafish larvae exposed to 50 or 100 mg/L methimazole, a potent TPO inhibitor, from immediately after fertilization until 21 or 32 days of age. Exposure to 37 or 111 mg/L propylthiouracil also reduced T4 levels after exposure up to 14, 21 and 32 days in the same study. Walter et al. (2019) showed that propylthiouracil had no effect on T4 levels in 24h old zebrafish, but decreased T4 levels of 72h old zebrafish. This difference is probably due to the onset of embryonic TH production between the age of 24 and 72 hours (Opitz et al., 2011). Stinckens et al. (2016) showed that exposure to 2-mercaptobenzothiazole (MBT), an environmentally relevant TPO inhibitor, decreased whole body T4 levels in continuously exposed 5 and 32 day old zebrafish larvae. Several other studies have also shown that chemically induced Inhibition of TPO results in reduced TH synthesis in zebrafish (Van der Ven et al., 2006; Raldua and Babin, 2009; Liu et al., 2011; Thienpont et al., 2011; Rehberger et al., 2018). Using a TPO knockout line Fang et al. (2022) showed that TPO inhibition abolished the T4 synthesis in 7 dpf zebrafish mutants. A high concentration of MBT also decreased whole body T4 levels in 6 day old fathead minnows, but recovery was observed at the age of 21 days although the fish were kept in the exposure medium (Nelson et al., 2016). Crane et al. (2006) showed decreased T4 levels in 28 day old fathead minnows continuously exposed to 32 or 100 µg/L methimazole.
Temporal Evidence: In mammals, the temporal nature of this KER is applicable to all life stages, including development (Seed et al., 2005). The impact of decreased TPO activity on TH synthesis is similar across all ages in mammals. Good evidence for the temporal relationship of the KER comes from thyroid system modeling (e.g., Degon et al., 2008; Fisher et al., 2013) using data from studies of iodine deficiency and chemicals that inhibit NIS. In addition, there is ample evidence of the temporal impacts of TPO inhibition on TH synthesis, using ex vivo and in vitro measures that demonstrate the time course of inhibition following chemical exposures, including some data from human thyroid microsomes and ex vivo thyroid slices (Vickers et al., 2012). Future work is needed that measures both TPO inhibition and TH production during development.
In oviparous fish such as zebrafish and fathead minnow, the nature of this KER depends on the life stage since the earliest stages of embryonic development rely on maternal THs transferred to the eggs. Embryonic TH synthesis is activated later during embryo-larval development. (See Domain of applicability)
Dose-Response Evidence: Dose-response data is available from a number of studies in mammals that correlate TPO inhibition with decreased TH production measured using a variety of endpoints including iodine organification (e.g., Taurog et al., 1996), inhibition of guicaol oxidation in thyroid microsomes (e.g., Doerge and Chang, 2002), and direct measure of thyroid gland T4 concentrations (e.g., Hornung et al., 2015). However, there is a lack of dose-response data from developmental studies showing direct linkages from TPO inhibition to thyroidal TH synthesis.
Uncertainties and Inconsistencies
While it is clear that TPO inhibition will lead to altered TH synthesis, there is a need for data that will inform quantitative modeling of the relationship between TPO inhibition and the magnitude of effects on TH synthesis.
Data from studies on genistein highlight this uncertainty. Doerge and colleagues have demonstrated that for this compound up to 80% TPO inhibition did not result in decreased serum T4 in rats (Doerge and Chang, 2002). This is not consistent with other prototypical TPO inhibitors (e.g., PTU, MMI). Genistein is however a well-known phytoestrogen and the observed inconsistency may be the result of feedback mechanisms resulting from its estrogenic effect.
Known modulating factors
Iodine availability will impact the ability of TPO to iodinate tyrosine residues on thyroglobulin. Iodine availability to TPO can be impacted in a number of ways. First, environmental availability of iodine can vary greatly depending on whether and how much iodine exists in surface waters for aquatic organisms (gill respirators) and in the diets of both terrestrial and aquatic organisms. Second, somewhat regardless of iodine availability through environmental uptake (i.e., barring extremely high iodine exposure), iodine is actively transported into the thyroid follicular cell from the blood via sodium-iodide symporter (NIS), which has been shown to be susceptible to inhibition by, for example, perchlorate. As such, iodine availability to TPO is mediated by functional NIS. Finally, iodine is not fully available to TPO on the apical surface of the thyroid follicular cell until it is transported through the apical membrane by pendrin, an anion exchange protein - mutations or inhibition of pendrin could affect iodine availability to TPO.
Hydrogen peroxide is also needed by TPO to mediate the oxidation of iodide, which is produced locally by dual oxidase (DUOX). A mutation or inhibition of DUOX will impact local production of H2O2 leading to lower oxidizing potential of TPO and less organification of iodide.
Quantitative Understanding of the Linkage
In Xenopus laevis, Haselman et al.(2020) demonstrated temporal profiles of thyroidal iodotyrosines (MIT/DIT) and iodothyronines (T4/T3), the products of TPO activity, following exposure to three different model TPO inhibitors (MMI, PTU, MBT) at multiple concentrations. This study established that, in Xenopus, measurable decreases in the products of TPO activity can occur as early as 2 days of exposure during pro-metamorphosis. However, despite consistent profiles of some iodo-species across chemicals, other iodo-species showed inconsistent profiles across chemicals. This highlights the multiple mechanisms of TPO (iodination and coupling) and differential susceptibility to inhibition of those mechanisms depending on the chemical's type of interaction with TPO. The most consistent concentration-response relationship across chemicals and over time was demonstrated by thyroidal T4, which is the most relevant product to subsequent key events. At the highest concentrations tested for each chemical, thyroidal T4 was below detection by 7 days of exposure across all three TPO inhibitors. Keeping in mind that the thyroid gland has follicular lumen space where thyroglobulin/T4 is stored until proteolysis and release to the blood, full inhibition of TPO would result in a delayed measurable response due to the time it takes to deplete stored hormones. Regardless of the delay, the results from this study imply full inhibition of TPO by each of these three chemicals at the highest test concentrations, but would require chemical residue analysis and/or toxicokinetic modeling to relate cellular/tissue concentrations at the site of TPO catalysis to levels of inhibition via Michaelis-Menten kinetic descriptions.
Profiles of thyroidal iodinated species demonstrated by Haselman et al. (2020) across three different TPO inhibitors suggests that a high level of TPO inhibition must occur in order to elicit responses in subsequent key events. Although the level of TPO inhibition is not directly quantifiable from this study, these data suggest that at least 90-100% inhibition was occurring since circulating T4 was not detectable at 10 days of exposure to the highest concentrations of MMI and MBT. However, additional efforts would be necessary to determine the minimum level of TPO inhibition that leads to a measurable decrease in thyroidal T4 and subsequently circulating T4. Furthermore, Hassan et al. (2017, 2020) and Handa et al. (2021) predicted the level of THs in serum after treatment with PTU and MMI in rats. They developed a quantitative model by comparing dose- response data.
Response-response Relationship
There are only a limited number of studies where both TPO inhibition and iodine organification have been measured in vivo, and there is not enough data available to make any definitive quantitative correlations. One in vivo study in rats exposed to the TPO inhibitor genistein found no in vivo impact on serum TH concentrations, even when TPO was inhibited up to 80% (Chang and Doerge, 2000). Genistein is however a well-known phytoestrogen and the observed inconsistency may be the result of feedback mechanisms resulting from its estrogenic effect.
Given that this is an MIE to KE relationship, there is only one response to evaluate in the relationship. Decreased TH synthesis, as measured by responses of iodinated species in the thyroid gland, is the result of TPO inhibition, which cannot be measured directly in vivo.
In vivo, evaluations of TPO inhibition are limited to evaluation of the iodinated species, or products of TPO activity, present in the thyroid gland at a particular time. However, as stated previously, any measurable response in these iodinated species is not a discreet assessment of TPO activity given that the gland maintains storage of hormone in the follicular lumen space and any alteration of TPO activity would be detected once the stores begin to be depleted. In Xenopus laevis, Haselman et al. (2020) showed a decrease in thyroidal iodinated species after only 2 days of exposure to potent TPO inhibitor MMI during thyroid-mediated metamorphosis and within 4 days for PTU and MBT, both model TPO inhibitors. In zebrafish, Walter et al. (2019) reported a similar time frame, namely a decrease in T4 levels at 72 hpf after starting the exposure to PTU at 0-2 hpf. It should be noted that the time-scale is probably depending on the developmental stage and whether the embryo is capable of thyroid hormone synthesis, rather than on the exposure duration.
Known Feedforward/Feedback loops influencing this KER
Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) released from the pituitary positively regulates the synthesis and release of thyroid hormones from the thyroid gland. As such, when TPO is inhibited and thyroid hormone synthesis is decreased, lower systemic levels of hormone cause feedback from the pituitary via TSH to upregulate a number of processes in the thyroid gland as a means of compensation, including (but not limited to) enhanced gene expression of NIS and thyrocyte cell proliferation (Tietge et al., 2010; Haselman et al., 2020).
Domain of Applicability
Taxonomic: This KER is plausibly applicable across vertebrates. Inhibition of TPO activity is widely accepted to directly impact TH synthesis. This is true for both rats and humans, as well as some fishes, frogs and birds. Most of the data supporting a causative relationship between TPO inhibition and altered TH synthesis is derived from animal studies, in vitro thyroid microsomes from rats or pigs, and a limited number of human ex vivo (Nagasaka and Hidaka, 1976; Vickers et al., 2012) and clinical studies. There are data to support that gene mutations in TPO result in congenital hypothyroidism, underscoring the essential role of TPO in human TH synthesis.
Life stage: Applicability to certain life stages may depend on the species and their dependence on maternally transferred THs during the earliest phases of development. The earliest life stages of teleost fish rely on maternally transferred THs to regulate certain developmental processes until embryonic TH synthesis is active (Power et al., 2001). As a result, TPO inhibition is not expected to decrease TH synthesis during these earliest stages of development. Evidence supporting this hypothesis is obtained from a zebrafish TPO knockout line. In homozygous individuals TPO is inhibited from the embryonic developmental stage onwards, resulting in an abolished T4 production in thyroid follicles with phenotypical abnormalities such as reduced swim bladder inflation and growth retardation appearing at 20 dpf but not before 10 dpf (Fang et al., 2022). In zebrafish, Opitz et al. (2011) showed the formation of a first thyroid follicle at 55 hours post fertilization (hpf), Chang et al. (2012) showed a first significant TH increase at 120 hpf and Walter et al. (2019) showed clear TH production already at 72 hpf but did not analyse time points between 24 and 72 hpf. In fathead minnow, a significant increase of whole body TH levels was already observed between 1 and 2 dpf, which corresponds to the appearance of the thyroid anlage at 35 hpf prior to the first observation of thyroid follicles at 58 hpf (Wabuke-Bunoti and Firling, 1983). It is still uncertain when exactly embryonic TH synthesis is activated and how this determines sensitivity to TH system disruptors.
Sex: The KE is plausibly applicable to both sexes. Thyroid hormones are essential in both sexes and the components of the HPT-axis are identical in both sexes. There can however be sex-dependent differences in the sensitivity to the disruption of thyroid hormone levels and the magnitude of the response. In humans, females appear more susceptible to hypothyroidism compared to males when exposed to certain halogenated chemicals (Hernandez‐Mariano et al., 2017; Webster et al., 2014). In adult zebrafish, Liu et al. (2019) showed sex-dependent changes in thyroid hormone levels and mRNA expression of regulatory genes including corticotropin releasing hormone (crh), thyroid stimulating hormone (tsh) and deiodinase 2 after exposure to organophosphate flame retardants. The underlying mechanism of any sex-related differences remains unclear.
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